Mini Tri - Bairnsdale
Wednesday 18th October 2023 from 5:30pm at the BARC, Bairnsdale
The Bairnsdale Mini Triathlon series runs from October until March each Wednesday evening at the Bairnsdale Aquatic and Recreation Centre. It's a great way for both kids and adults to get started in triathlon in a fun friendly environment and develop skill and fitness over the series.
How does it work?
Mini Tri's are for everyone regardless of age and experience. It is a perfect way to learn about the sport and receive free coaching in a fun and friendly environment.
Mini Tri’s are not a race as such but there is a competitive challenge attached which is all about personal development and improvement. You race your own best time. Your first race establishes a Personal Best (PB). Points are awarded after each race based on your performance against this time.
Mini Triathlon information
Date: Wednesdays from 18th October 2023. After a Xmas/NY break Mini Tris resume from early January to March.
Time: registration opens at 5:30pm; Kids events start at 6pm; Senior waves start at 6.15pm
Venue: Bairnsdale Aquatic and Recreation Centre (BARC) on McKean Street, BAIRNSDALE.
Costs: $0 to $5 for kids courses ; $0 to $14 for senior course. Depends on whether you are an RTC/TA member or pool member.
Course Information: Kids Mini Triathlon; Senior Mini Triathlon - see below
Contact: Bairnsdale Mini Tri co-ordinator at Riviera Tri Club by email
Getting started: If you are new to triathlon have a look at the Event Checklist & Tips so you know what to bring.
Kids Mini Triathlon
We run Mini Tri’s for children from 5 years old. There are 3 distances to choose from but please take note of the minimum age requirements. Age is taken at 31 December 2023. The swim is in the pool followed by an off road ride behind the BARC and a run on the wetlands path. If you are turning 12 by 31st December 2023 you may like to take on the senior distance.
Please register by 5:45pm as there is a briefing before the first group starts at 6pm.
Kids Distance - Micro
Minimum age: 5 years
Swim: 25m (1 lap) Cycle: 1 km. Run: 100m
Kids Distance - Mid
Minimum age: 7 years
Swim: 75m (3 laps) Cycle: 3 km Run: 500m
Kids Distance - Long
Minimum age: 10 years
Swim: 150m (6 laps) Cycle: 5 km Run: 1km
Adults Mini Triathlon
Adult Distance
Minimum age: 12 years
Swim: 200m (8 laps) Cycle: 9 km (3 laps) Run: 2km (2 laps)